Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My template is like my husband...

Dear Diary,

This is what I did today:
I decided to change the template of my blog, because even though it is good and all it is too perfect to reflect the real "me".
Then I searched a million(419,000,000) websites and selected templates that reflected the real me.
Then I tried the new templates to see how they looked, only to discover that I would lose my widgets if I tried a new template.
So I dug through 49,100 pages for "how to save followers widget when changing template" And learnt how to do it from
Then I thought of trying it on my blog.
But then I stopped myself because, I realized that this template is just like Upair. It might not be exactly what I wanted, it might not be my carbon copy, but I have grown to like it for what it is. I am used to it, and it is lovely in its own dear diary, I guess I will stick to this.



  1. ha! you have summed up my dilemma with template. few days back i too tried various new and fancy templates, but didnt go for it coz of losing my widgets.

    and i am touched by your words about ur husband. all relationships are in a way or other the same. We come to like it as the time goes . :))

  2. Ida..i am new to blogger myself and so do a hundred searches before i can figure out somethin..but good for us..we still end up figuring it out some way or the other :)

  3. Glad to see that I am not the only one who suffers....zillion, yeah, relationships are like wine, taste better with time:)
    True, open book, let us keep groping in the dark, and blog through our bumbles:)

  4. ida Maatee...going bapu Upair's way... :D... times it feels good to go "their" way...

    and then reflecting so much of "them" in "us" that moment you go to family gathering people are more bothered to ask about "them" rather asking us about how "we" are!!... :D :D

    center of attention "they" become, i tell you... :O :D

  5. Priya Beti, you make me proud calling me Ida Maate every time:P
    Yeah, they become us, and we come like them...then who becomes who??? That is the question!!! OMG!!!!now I am confused!!!
    And it is ok if they become COA, we can just go to the corner and hog all the food while no one's watching;)
