Saturday, June 20, 2009

How I could be a birdbrain and a genius in the same blog post....

Here I am again, I was planning on posting this earlier but other important things came up- there were some really fun Disney youtube videos that I just had to see (of course the fact that I was going to get a whole $0.02 for every view helped the cheapo in me).

I sat through the whole clip, only to realize that you have to be a member of youtube to write reviews. So had to create a new account and sign in. I am really tired of signing up everywhere. I keep forgetting the passwords. I used to have one password for all my accounts but it was just another thing for Upair to tease me with. “All women are the same…they are too birdbrained to remember more than one password and they do not realize how unsafe it is”…hmmm…just to prove to him that I was no birdbrain, I decided to have new passwords for all the places I signed up.

Except that I did end up forgetting all the passwords, so now I actually AM a proven birdbrain. But then I discovered this bright method of “customizing” my passwords. My password would simply be the name of the website. If it was too short, I just repeated the name of the site twice.
I know, I know, it must be too difficult to figure out my genius. Here’s an example:

Say I was starting an account on Google, my password would be google or googlegoogle. Brilliant, aren’t I? Except that now I have written it on my blog, every crook out there wishing to steal my money would know exactly what my password is…hmmm…writing this was not too bright thing to do, eh? But I guess not many hackers out there will be willing to actually go into the trouble of getting into my account to get the $0.02 that I earned watching youtube… ‘coz that’s all there is. Really! Trust a birdbrain to tell the truth!

So, coming back to the post, I had mentioned a park yesterday, turns out its name is Priyadarshini park. Upair looked it up on the Google maps for me, so you can be sure. Had I looked it up, I would have found out Brindavan Gardens in Karnataka and not know the difference and you would gone around searching for Brindavan gardens all around Kochi. And some “helpful” youngster would have given you the direction to the gays' park in Kochi (Yes, there is such a place, except that it is called something else and I am not going to tell you what it is really called!)…and you would have been like , “Why did Ida find this park spectacular?” and then would have Googled Brindavan Gardens and would have discovered that it is in Karnataka and you would know really how stupid I could be…thanks to Upair, we were all saved a lot of trouble…

The Park (Priyadarshini, not Brindavan, and not gays' park, either, you perv!) is near the Taj Malabar Hotel. And believe me it is worth forgetting the atrociously priced food in Taj Malabar and giving it a miss and heading for the park. The scenery is too good to be missed. The walkway in front of it also has a name that Google map doesn’t mention. Upair and I have read the name a thousand times but the birdbrained me and the not-so-birdbrained Upair have totally forgotten the name of the road. See, you do not get too far in life by not being birdbrained…why not stick to the simple birdbrained state? But I AM NOT BIRDBRAINED and don’t you dare suggest that…

I am including few snaps of the spooky place I had mentioned. Unfortunately the camera worked a bit too well and the place looks brighter in the photo than it really is. Boo-hoo, it does not look gloomy anymore: (

The Not-spooky-enough Priyadarshini Park(NOT BRINDAVAN GARDENS)

Well, this has again turned out to be long post. You guys are really a talkative bunch!! Oops, just looked at the comments and saw “0” comments…I guess I became a little extra chatty. So, again I am not able to write about the Attic. All that and more in the next post, ok?



  1. Hi there
    Thank you for following and stopping by. I used to visit Priyadarshini park. :) Very familiar with it :) :)

  2. Gay park in Kochi? Serious? I never knew.(not that its going to make a difference to my life)

    You have just 3 posts, but looks like you have a million labels. did you delete posts?

    BTW, i am a hacker and i am gonna be rich now with your youtbe account, :)))))

  3. Thanks for writing Preeti and Zillion....
    Preeti will tell a "Hi" to Priyadarshini park from your side next time we are there:)
    Zillion, yup, never been to the Park myself, but Upair swears there is one...wonder how he knows....hmmmm....something stinks:P
    I do have a "Zillion" labels, eh? Guess it 'coz I can't decide where to stop:) And besides I am new to that should explain everything...
    And you are welcome to share my money just take $0.01 and leave $0.01 for me, eh?

  4. Hi,
    Thank you for stopping by :)
    Gay park in Kochi...seriously? had no idea Kerala was so evolved so as to segregate a park jus for gay men:)

  5. Thanks An open book- yeah, kerala is getting all hep, next we will be gettin ecstasy in all supermarkets, kept alongside sugar, that would be neat, eh?

  6. Hey! I remember going to Priyadarshini park... our school picnic went there years ago.. may be 15 years go!! And it was not at all spooky then! I guess they have re-landscaped it!
